Once In a Lifetime Career Opportunity
Thank you for taking the time to review the details for our Director position. One person will be chosen for this amazing position. Please read carefully and if you feel this is for you, contact us immediately so we can answer any questions you have and get you started.
About ISPO Sponsors:
Our company is called ISPO Sponsors and we created a book called I’m So Proud Of® in 2014. This book is very unique in that it helps build confidence and self esteem in children while helping adults interact with their children in a positive way.
Our company is owned by Kathe Powell who is also the creator of the book. We believe in having fun and providing you not just a job but a career with unlimited opportunities where you will be an integral part of the business.
Your life should not revolve around your work. Your work should revolve around your life and with our unique business approach where everyone involved with our business benefits in many ways, we are setting you up for absolute success, personally and professionally.
What We’re Doing:
We’re creating a new division in our company that will allow schools to generate a much needed income with a powerful new approach to fundraising. Our fundraising concept has never been done before and not only will it allow schools and other non-profits to generate money, but it will also allow them to keep on generating money, even after their fundraiser has ended. The Director will head up this new division.
The Starting Point:
We will be hiring people who will start out selling our Advertising Sponsors spots. Click here to review this page. These are not going to be hard to sell and you'll earn 25% commission from these which can range from $425 to $6,875 per sale. This will be a commission only position until all the spots are sold.
The Director will be chosen ONLY from those who sell the Advertising Sponsors spots. We're doing things this way because this position is too important for us to take a trial and error approach to hiring. We want the absolute best person for the job and we want to make sure you absolutely want the position.
Anyone with a few contacts will be able to sell these spots as they are unique and every company in the US wants to help children, parents and schools and get 100% positive exposure.
The Director:
Once all the advertising sponsorships have been sold, the person we hire to be the Director will move into a salaried position and we'll start working together to get schools in the DMV area to use our service for a fundraiser while also getting businesses to become partners at no cost to them.
We will begin in the DMV area and quickly expand across the US. As we expand, you will be responsible for hiring managers to work for you and they will simply duplicate the process we create in the DMV area.
Even though you will be starting as a sales person, the actual Director job will not involve selling at all. We want someone with a sales background because you will be responsible for contacting businesses for us to partner with and schools for us to run fundraisers with and not everyone is comfortable doing this, however sales people are excellent at this.
Since our partners join us for free and there is no cost for schools to use our fundraiser, there will be no selling involved.
Director Compensation:
If you're chosen as the Director, in addition to your salary, you'll receive a percentage of every book we sell through the fundraisers as well as overrides from the managers working for you and bonuses for achieving goals that we will set together. You will also receive a percentage of our Business Discount Resource Center.
Your first year earnings can easily exceed $150,000 and dramatically increase each year as we grow. This will not happen by accident and it won't happen without effort on your part but I assure you, this will be a fun and exciting job without the stress everyone else making this kind of money has to deal with.
Your Next Step:
If you love children, helping others and want to do something that will be fulfilling to you financially, personally and professionally, then let's talk today. My contact details are below.