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I'm So Proud Of® was created by Kathe Powell in the Fall of 2014 but got its start years before. 


She got the idea from her son David who started leaving her notes around the house telling her how much he loved her and thanking her for the little things she did for him.

She loved the notes so much that she began leaving him notes that usually started with the phrase I'm So Proud Of David.  

In a very short time she noticed his grades improving, he did more around the house without being asked and he was always showing his friends the notes he received.

Pretty soon, Kathe found herself writing notes to his friends who had become envious of all the cool notes that David had and since Kathe’s house was the resident “kids on the street house”, there was no shortage of notes being left and collected by all.

Kathe started the company ISPO Sponsors to sell the I'm So Proud Of® book to other adults so they could write notes to the children in their lives when they do something that makes the adult proud.

The book has evolved to include short stories on important topics of the day and is now full color.

Get your book(s) today.

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